Announcement: 6th Philosophy of Religion One-Day Workshop

6th Philosophy of Religion One-Day Workshop
John Hick Centre for Philosophy of Religion, University of Birmingham

13 June, 2014

Room G52, European Research Institute Building (Campus Map:

2:00-2:45: Ben Matheson (University of Manchester), ‘The Problem of Evil and Immortality’

2:45-3:30: Toby Betenson (University of Birmingham), ‘Evaluative Claims within the Problem of Evil’

3:30-3:40: Break

3:40-4:25: Leland Harper (University of Birmingham), ‘Motivations for Divine Action in a Multiverse’

4:25-5:25: Trent Dougherty (Baylor University, USA), ‘Visible Faith in a Hidden God’

All welcome!

Yujin Nagasawa

Professor of Philosophy
School of Philosophy, Theology and Religion
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham
B15 2TT
United Kingdom



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