New Book on God, Physics, and the Philosophy of Science

Koperski, Jeffrey. The Physics of Theism: God, Physics, and the Philosophy of Science (Blackwell, 2015). The book is due out next month. Here's the blurb:

The Physics of Theism provides a timely, critical analysis of the ways in which physics intertwines with religion. Koperski brings clarity to a range of arguments including the fine-tuning argument, naturalism, the laws of nature, and the controversy over Intelligent Design.
  • A single author text providing unprecedented scope and depth of analysis of key issues within the Philosophy of Religion and the Philosophy of Science
  • Critically analyses the ways in which physics is brought into play in matters of religion
  • Self-contained chapters allow readers to directly access specific areas of interest
  • The area is one of considerable interest, and this book is a timely and well-conceived contribution to these debates
  • Written by an accomplished scholar working in the philosophy of physics in a style that renders complex arguments accessible
Further details here.

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