New Issue of the International Journal for Philosophy of Religion

In defense of the timeless solution to the problem of human free will and divine foreknowledge
Ciro De Florio & Aldo Frigerio

Grace and favor in Kant’s ethical explication of religion
James DiCenso

Schopenhauer on religious pessimism
Dennis Vanden Auweele

Does cognitive humility lead to religious tolerance? Reflections on Craig versus Quinn
Michael S. Jones

Atheism and epistemic justification
J. Angelo Corlett & Josh Cangelosi

Why pan-dispositionalism is incompatible with metaphysical naturalism
Travis Dumsday

The epistemology of divine conceptualism
Nathan D. Shannon
Book Review

Fiona Ellis, God, Value, and Nature
Erik J. Wielenberg
Book Review

Trent Dougherty, The problem of animal pain: a theodicy for all creatures great and small
Michael J. Murray
Book Review

Terry F. Godlove, Kant and the meaning of religion
James J. DiCenso

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Two Naturalistic Arguments for Why There is Something (Concrete) Rather Than Nothing (Concrete)

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