Index: Assessing Theism in General and Christianity in Particular

Note: This is a work in progress.

0. Preliminaries:
0.1 On caring about and pursuing truth: here
0.2 On faith and reason: here and here.
0.3 On the theistic conception of God: here
0.4 On a Common Apologetic Strategy: here
0.5 On Theism and the Burden of Proof: here.

1. Evaluation of Arguments for Theism
1.1 Cosmological arguments
1.1.1 The Leibnizian cosmological argument: part 1part 2part 3. Also: hereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehere.
1.1.2 The kalam cosmological argument: herehereherehereherehere and here (scroll down to the comments)here.
1.1.3 Thomistic cosmological arguments (and others): herehere.
1.1.4 O'Connor's abductive cosmological argument: here.
1.2 Design arguments:
1.2.1 Paley-style versions and fine-tuning versions: Hereherehereherehere. See also herehere, and hereherehereherehere.
1.2.2 Behe's irreducible complexity version: Part 1part 2part 3part 4part 5part 6. See also here, here.
1.2.3 Dembski's explanatory filter version: hereherehere.
1.2.4 Meyer's DNA version: here.
1.3 The ontological argument: herehereherehere.
1.4 The moral argument: hereherehere.
1.5 Arguments from religious experience: hereherehere.
1.6 Arguments From Consciousness: Hereherehere.
1.7 The argument from abstract objects: herehere.
1.8 The argument from reason: here.
1.9 Plantinga's argument from anti-realism: here.
1.10 Plantinga's argument from proper function: herehereherehere.
1.11 Plantinga's Reformed Epistemology: herehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehere.
1.12 Plantinga's evolutionary argument against naturalism (EAAN): herehereherehere, see the comments section hereherehere, here.
1.13 Presuppositional apologetics: herehere.
1.14 Moser's case for rational belief: Here.
1.15 The argument from common consent: here.
1.16 Cumulative case arguments:
1.16.1 a general point: here
1.16.2 Swinburne's version: herehere.
1.17 Pragmatic arguments (overview here)
1.17.1 Pascal's Wager: herehere.
1.17.2 James' Will to Believe argument: here (skip down to section 1.3 of the outline), herehere.
1.17.3 Craig's arguments against atheistic morality, moral motivation, meaning, and purpose: here.

2. Evaluation of Arguments Against Theism
2.1 The Logical Problem of Evil: part 1part 2part 3part 4part 5. See also hereherehere.
2.2 The evidential problem of evil: herehereherehereherehereherehereherehere.
2.3 The argument from religious diversity: here
2.4 Arguments from divine hiddenness, religious ambiguity, and reasonable non-belief: herehere.
2.5 The argument from evolution: here
2.6 The argument from the mind's dependence on the brain: here
2.7 The argument from the demographics of theism: herehere.
2.8 The argument from unreliable mechanisms for religious belief: here.
2.9 The argument from reasonable religious disagreement: herehere.
2.10 The argument from the impropriety of worship: here.
2.11 The argument from the impropriety of belief: here.
2.12 The argument from ordinary morality: herehere.

3. Evaluation of Arguments for Chrisitanity
3.1 Arguments for the reliability of the New Testament: hereherehere
3.2 Arguments for the deity of Jesus: here
3.3 Arguments for the resurrection of Jesus: here

4. Arguments Against Christian Theism
4.1 The argument for Jesus as a failed apocalyptic prophet: here and here (scroll down to the comments -- not the post)
4.2 Arguments against the reliability of the New Testament
4.3 Arguments from divinely-caused and/or mandated evil in the Old Testament: hereherehere, and here here
4.4 The argument from the doctrine of everlasting punishment
4.5 The argument from evolution: here
4.6 Hume's argument against the rationality of belief in miracles: hereherehereherehereherehere
4.7 The problem of identifying miracles given the Bible's hypothesis of "the Devil's Lying Wonders": here.
4.8 The argument from scientific evidence for the ineffectiveness of prayer: herehereherehere.
4.9 The argument from the powerlessness of the gospel
4.10 The argument from non-obviousness: here.

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Special Issue of Theologica In Honor of Dean Zimmerman

  Here . His replies to participants should be available by the end of the year.